I am not sure words can describe how much I am enjoying working part time this summer! Eventually when I have little ones, I will probably stay home for the summer. For now…I am working on paying off a credit card, so it is very necessary to work over the summer to bring in some extra funds to get that bad boy knocked out! Anyways, I am off by 12:30ish Monday through Thursday and have 3 day weekends and have had so much more time to get things done. I have been impressed with my ability to keep the housework going and having time to do all the things that I love!
Tonight I made stuffed peppers for dinner. When I went to the store, I had planned on making quinoa to mix in and managed to grab some couscous instead. I have always wanted to try cooking couscous and tonight I did, even if it was by accident! They turned out so good and were really easy! I am glad I made enough for left-overs and they were very filling!
